Month: January 2017

Frozen In Fear

I spent a good portion of my day yesterday watching webinars to help me grow my business.  As I was watching, I could feel things coming to the surface.  They made some very valid points that obviously started triggering me, not in a bad way of course.  I realized a lot about myself as this was happening.  I had realized most of all that … Read More Frozen In Fear

He chooses me!

I had a revelation not long ago that I wanted to share with you all.  You see, sometimes I get a little angry because I feel that my kids’ dad gets to be the “fun” parent.  All he has to do is show up for about 24 hours once every 6 weeks, take them some place that kids like to go like the movies, … Read More He chooses me!

What an amazing week it’s been!

So yeah! The new website launch went great! There were lots of people checking out the site and a few even decided to follow my blog so that makes me super excited and happy.  Then the next day I held my first LIVE event in my private FB group.  That is something that I have been nudged to do for months!  For some people … Read More What an amazing week it’s been!


It’s Finally Here!

This is the excerpt for your very first post.